Mornin’ Cats and Kittens!

November 26, 2014 at 5:40 am (By Ron)

It’s 4:30AM and I can’t sleep….and Karen has been up for half an hour already.  It’s the Day before Thanksgiving …. is that Green Wednesday?  Whatever did happen to Mauve Monday?  or Ecru Shrove Tuesday?

Who here in the Fortress of Ambiance is having a NON traditional holiday?  Sushi?  Lasagna? Cajun Popcorn? Just curious…

What do you do when you can’t sleep?  Something unusual?  Do you just give up and wake up and do something?

Folks are already gone around here…Is anyone traveling?

Many people I know kind of tie Thanksgiving and Christmas together in some fashion.  Some go to one parents family for one holiday, and the other for the other.  I have several friends that work one holiday but not both!

My Occupational Therapist has just had a beautiful baby and shared sweet pics with me…no posting though, unless she says OK.

Die Hard is usually my Christmas movie…but Thanksgiving….hmmm…do you have a Turkey Day Film?

At any rate…Enjoy your holiday, eat too much, maybe watch football, maybe do lots of snoozing….it’s good to have traditions!

Your Ambient Friend,




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Just to put something new up

November 19, 2014 at 9:28 pm (Icepick) ()

Anyone that cares to can look at my latest post on the current labor situation in the USA over at my own site. It’s actually worse than I supposed. Not as link filled as usual, as originally it was just a string of comments.

Otherwise, how’s everyone doing? I hope you and yours and your cows are all enduring the arctic blast, Karen, and hope this finds all of the rest of you well, too.

Not much happening here, though I may finally get something tested soon. (Woo AND hoo.) We’ll see.

And a friend and his wife had a surprise adoption of a new baby over the weekend! I’ll write up more about that later, when I confirm I can share the story more widely, but I’m quite thrilled for them.

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