Adventures in Walking Around

November 7, 2015 at 8:49 pm (By Ron)

Hi Folks, Ron here…

Remember that back pain I mentioned?  Yeah….still there!  Monday I had to walk 7-8 blocks to see my disability attorney and by the time I got there my back rebelled and I fell in the lawyers office!  I caught myself, and I guess if you’re going to fall that’s the place to do it!  I suffered in bed with it the next two days…but Thursday I had to leave the hotel I’m at (I’m a bit behind!) but the hotel manager is very nice (she’s been very patient with moi) and left my stuff there to see if I could get help from a church 4 blocks away.  No such luck, and I fell twice walking there!  (caught myself the first time and sort of rolled on my shoulder and didn’t try to stop it with my hands) and walked back to the hotel where I said I have to go to the ER.  I was in 2 ER’s that evening, getting some drug to relax my back, (which only partially worked) and then to have long chats about depression with psychs in their ER.  I didn’t really sleep (in fits in a chair) and in the morning…I went to the Y where I spent the day.  But still having problems walking (I slipped and banged my head into a concrete wall.  Poor wall….) I went BACK to the ER, where they let me sleep on a stretcher most of the night and gave me more drugs, and a script.  This morning, I had to wait 5 hours for a cab (it’s football game day here!) and went back to the Y…which closed at 7.  So I’m here in a coffeehouse for a bit….and then…I have no idea.  The Y opens again at 7am.  Until then who knows where I’ll be.  Every damn social services agency has been zero help and a pox on them all!

Sorry for the ramble;  but I try to keep it honest.


Addendum:  So what happened?  I tried to wait outside for the Y to open….but it was too cold and the feeling of being left out in the cold (literally!) overwhelmed me and I went back the ER…again.  But last night I almost made it all the way through but I just couldn’t sleep and am now in the Y but totally exhausted.

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