
April 22, 2012 at 6:43 pm (By Amba)

n [AmerF, fr. AmerSp la ñapa the lagniappe, fr. la + ñapa, yapa, fr. Quechua yapa something added] (1844) : a small gift given a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase; broadly : something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure
~ Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition. Kindle Edition.

It’s a word readily traceable to the New Orleans area. Quechua, though?? They’re in Peru.  How the heck . . . ?  If that word could talk . . .

It’s always sounded to me like cream, with a cat lapping it.

It occurred to me just now as a word for this time of my life.  Others are optional, light, superfluous, unnecessary. For almost four decades I lived with and was necessary to someone rooted in necessity.  After an upper-middle-class American upbringing, I appreciated the way that staked me down and sorted me out.  I was never very good at, or very interested in, luxury or frivolity or even fun.  Not that I was Puritanically averse to them, they just seemed like a very small and dispensable part of life.  (By “fun” I do not mean “humor,” by the way.  Humor and necessity share a bloodstream.)

But this part of my life is sheer luxury.  It really doesn’t matter what I do with it.  There’s great freedom in that, but also absurdity.  It’s up to me, at my discretion, to fill this free gift of time.  I could rush out and find more necessity to submit myself to (become a nanny to a small child, or a hospice volunteer), but right now I have a strong sense of been there, done that.  If it puts itself in my way, that’s something else (I do intend to use my Feldenkrais Method training to design a workshop for caregivers), but seeking it out seems almost like a panicky cop-out from braving another mode and beat of living.  I’ve had trouble getting a handle on it.

Somehow, the word lagniappe helps.

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April 12, 2012 at 1:05 am (By Amba)

In a few minutes, I will have completed 66 years on this earth. Add another 6 . . .

turn it upside down . . .

and you have the Mark(down) of the Discount Retailer!


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A musical interlude…

April 11, 2012 at 9:27 pm (By Ron)

Here’s a little something for our cat dancing bloggeress to get those kitties bouncing around the room too!  Hat Tip to you, Mighty Amba!

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Neoteny, or What’s It All About?

April 10, 2012 at 2:14 am (By Amba)

Not long ago, my new little girl kitty was absorbed in the pure delight of play for play’s sake. Watching her I thought, “Maybe this is the ultimate aim of life. Maybe all the struggle and passion and toil is about recreating this state of pure play over and over again, since it can’t last.” Like tossing a ball up into the air again and again just for that moment when the sun gilds the ball at its apogee, its moment of freedom from gravity.

And then it falls, its momentum harvested for the next toss.

Kitty, barely legal at 9 or 10 months, is in the agonies of heat for the second time in three weeks. As young men are drafted into the army before they’re even mature, young females are drafted into the army of reproduction before they’ve had more than an eyeblink to enjoy life and discover their powers. Said powers, barely suspected, will be bent to the service of feeding the next generation as it enjoys its brief moment of consummate freedom to play. This is as true of traditional human societies as it is in nature.

It’s easy to understand why this has been necessary. Life is in a race against death and this was the only way not to lose. The second law of thermodynamics is on the side of death; life is an energetic defiance with a high cost. It can afford only the briefest of escapes from the drag of thermodynamic necessity.

This disproportion between the time spent keeping life going and the time spent enjoying it may be natural, but let’s not pretend it’s noble.  It’s brutal. Rilke wrote about life’s mystery that too many of us “pass it on like a sealed letter.” Or, at best, we steam it open and steal a glimpse before guiltily gluing it shut again to get it back in the mail to the ever-receding future.

I propose that traditional societies are misguided in glorifying submission to necessity and trying to keep life confined within its strict forms. I propose that the greatest achievement of human beings (which indeed has come at a high cost of extraction of energy from the rest of the living planet) has been to push back death far enough to prolong that time of pure play.  Curiosity, creativity, wonder, pleasure, delight—there can’t be too much time for that. There still isn’t enough. Growing up late, having fewer children later and handing them an opened letter, playing one way or another all our lives—call it narcissistic self-indulgence, call it “failure to launch” or “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,” call it art, call it witness, call it high praise.

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